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Sunday, June 24, 2012
Your Best Life Now and The Chief End of Man
I'll start this off by saying that I have not read the book Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen. I will also say that I have no intention of doing so (the video below should be reason enough). I like what John MacArthur says about the book. "Your best life now is only true if you are going to Hell". Very well put. Now, knowing that Mr. Osteen teaches a gospel of prosperity and a victorious life in Christ based on earthly blessings, I can stand with MacArthur on his quote and also stand in 100% opposition to Joel's line of thinking and teaching. More importantly, the Bible stands opposed to his teaching. Don't get me wrong. Joel Osteen is a gifted speaker who incites the "warm and fuzzies" in people and I'm sure that he gets some stuff correct. But remember that the Bible says, "And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."While Joel promises a bed of roses and abundance of life, the Word of God promises hard times, troubles, tribulations, sickness, persecution and the like. However, is there something to take away from the title of Osteen's book from a biblical perspective? What is the chief end of man? To glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Right? According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism that is what we are to strive for. In this life the only way to do that is with a right relationship with God which can only come through His Son Jesus Christ. Because of our fallen sin nature, fellowship with God is broken because He can not tolerate sin. But once someone turns from their sin and puts their faith and trust in Christ, fellowship is restored. 1 Timothy 2:5 tells us that, "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus". Christ's atoning death for sin, for those that trust in it, is the only way while we dwell here in this fallen world to enjoy God. Of course this carries over into the end game in which we will enjoy him forever in eternity and nothing is more glorifying to God than the worship of His precious Son; when we worship Him in spirit and truth. That truth is that Christ died to save sinners from the flames of Hell and to restore fellowship with the Father. His bloody death was not to make sinners prosperous. Someone once said that if prosperity in Beverly Hills is not the same as the prosperity in Uganda, then it probably isn't what the Bible is referring to. Good point since the Gospel is for all men in all corners of the world. This is a great reminder of how spoiled American Christianity really has become. To make the Gospel about earthly blessings, possessions and achievements is a slap in the face to the poor sinners in third world countries who, like Christ did, live here as homeless people. These humble souls are just happy to have their names written in the Lamb's book of Life. Shouldn't we all be so grateful? While I am happy to be able to enjoy God in this life through the reading of His Word, singing songs of praise, and through prayer, I know that my best life is the next life. Revelation 21:4 vividly describes how wonderful the next life will be. "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Even with a rightly restored relationship with God and a great life because of that on this earth, what's described in Revelation is easily and infinitely better. That is what I hope in. The hope of Heaven. If you want that hope too, repent and trust in Christ today. If you are not sure what sin is or what you need to repent of or why you need the Savior, visit today. Also, if you are in a church where you are unsure of the teachings, be sure to be like the Bereans in Acts 17. Examine the Scriptures daily to make sure that the things your pastor is saying are so. God bless. SaulBecomesPaul/Virg.
Job 13:7
English Standard Version (ESV) Will you speak falsely for God
and speak deceitfully for him?
That is a great statement: "if prosperity in Beverly Hills is not the same as the prosperity in Uganda, then it probably isn't what the Bible is referring to." Reflecting on that really puts things into a different perspective.
That is a great statement: "if prosperity in Beverly Hills is not the same as the prosperity in Uganda, then it probably isn't what the Bible is referring to." Reflecting on that really puts things into a different perspective.
ReplyDeleteya that is a great thought. i cant remember who said it but i think i saw it on twitter a couple years ago :)